A Ripple Effect
Austin, TX | 2021 © Alicia Kae Miller
The iconic voice of Alanis Morissette boomed through Circuit of the Americas, and I thought about time. It has been twenty-six years since Jagged Little Pill was released. Those lyrics, that voice, the melody that cut me to my core back then.
As the crowd hopped around, cell phone flashlights replacing the once flame of cigarette lighters, I felt immersed in my salad days and all the years in between.
When I woke up the next day, I felt hollow.
The last twenty months have been harsh. Yet, as we endure in ways unimaginable, our glimmers of hope remain eclipsed by events that remind us of a sci-fi movie.
As such, the intent to get back to what we once considered “normal” seems to fade to black.
We cannot seem to catch a break as we collectively struggle to find meaning in a world that is literally and figuratively on fire. This truth is virtually impossible to ignore. Even if we are not directly impacted by [insert topic here], what happens to one happens to all.
This perspective prompts me to share how we can generate a positive ripple effect with one another through a much deeper, soul-level connection and the simple act of LOVE in Action.
Until we meet again, keep your eye on the prize = the hidden gems found in one another. ❤️
Yours in Solidarity, -akm
September 2021