Ready. Set. Grow.
Pacific Ocean/Golden State coastline | 2022 ©️ Alicia Kae Miller
On a recent trip from L.A. to Austin, I gave way to my feelings as the sun dipped below the horizon.
Contemplating the days prior, I congratulated myself with a mental high-five for the empathy seminars in Reno that I had just facilitated that led to even more this year into next. Yet, despite this long sought-after moment of uplift, I recognize that I still need to refine my presentation skills further.
For context, before wrapping up each seminar, I asked group members for sincere feedback, and they did not hesitate to fly right with me.
Regardless of the discomfort, I took the hits because I believe there is always room for improvement regardless of who we are, what we do, and how long we have done it.
Do or die mentality.
When we refuse to listen to opposing opinions, we effectively shut down someone else's lived experience and essentially erode any chance of relationship development.
Did I hear a few things that caused me consternation? Yes.
But I recognize that this is just my ego responding.
To succeed, we must look beyond ourselves and realize that if we want to grow personally, we must be vulnerable and open to receiving feedback that we may not necessarily like to hear.
Speaking of honesty, I unintentionally eavesdropped on someone's conversation the other day.
As I walked by, the young man said to the person he was talking to, "you should hire him; he is not a 'yes' man - by challenging you, he will make you and your work better." Wowser. Admittedly, as I continued on my way, I thought, hear, hear to the power of integrity-fueled jet propulsion!
Until we meet again, proceed with empathy. ❤️
Yours in Solidarity, -akm
September 2022