Greg K.

You are a bright light of positive energy that wants others to feel special, heard, known and understood as they are and not what they should be. You are accepting of nearly everyone and only understood by select few close friends that will be with you till the end. What's important to you is that people live and treat others with the same level of respect, genuine care, and the opportunity to blossom and evolve at their own rate when the time is right. Tribal leader that only wants to champion and advocate for others that may not have been blessed with the best life. Help to even the playing field and connect others around a vision that will bring the level of happiness that you exude, while interacting with close friends, complete strangers and anyone no matter what walk of life, background, country of origin, color, creed, sex or gender they happen to be. To put it simply, Alicia is a good person who is forthright in her decisions and behaviors with a strong moral and ethical code. She means well, and does things only for the good of others not self-centered or selfish in her actions. AKM = heart of gold!

— People and Culture Leader

Alicia Kae Miller