Blue Moon
The Pelican State | 2020 © Alicia Kae Miller
Halloween is my favorite time of the year.
With full disclosure, my adoration is twofold: 1) I am an October baby, and 2) the tenth-month signals 31 days of black and orange-themed festivities.
However, this year I was not in the mood for celebrating.
Despite a nomadic nature, this gypsy has found herself caught (more than once) in shifting sand. My somber state is due to a host of reasons that are entirely 2020 relatable and brilliantly captured by a penetrating line from Coppola’s The Godfather Part III “just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in!”
I recognize that my occasional sand dive is not a one-of-a-kind occurrence known only to me since this year, more than any other in a very long time, epitomizes “we, not me.”
This awareness compels me to contemplate the smallest of us.
Walking in the moonlight on All Saints’ Eve, I took great delight in the laughter of children echoing across my surrounding neighborhood. As the street gave rise, I noticed two things:
• A lot of uncarved pumpkins
• Limited holiday decorations that signify this time of year
Plateauing the slope, I started thinking about uncarved pumpkins and the little ones unable to process the complexities of the world.
Quite frankly, they should not have to. After all, before too long they will know what we know, that life is not always a balloon-filled party with streamers and birthday cake.
Walking and talking to myself, I thought about expectations and how if I expected to see more jack-o'-lanterns and party lights, then the children did too.
Guilty of being a Halloween curmudgeon this year, I write this to remind myself and hopefully you too, that even if we are not feeling the holiday spirit in the months ahead, let’s go deep and bring joy to children who should not be expected to carry the adult burden of muted dreams.
Speaking of dreams, Mr. Tom Petty gently reminds us that we are Alright For Now
So sleep tight, baby
Unfurrow your brow
And know I love you
We're alright for now
We're alright for now
Join me, and let’s make this year unforgettable not only for the wee ones but also for ourselves, the adult kiddos.
Until we meet again, stay young at heart. ❤️
Yours in Solidarity, -akm
November 4, 2020