Drop Anchor
The Golden State | 2015 ©️ Alicia Kae Miller
A friend recently lost his job and decided to pull up stakes and try his luck in North Carolina.
After he had been there for a couple of weeks, he texted me to chat. So, I set a virtual meet-up and was pleasantly surprised to see how relaxed he was. When I asked him what he had been up to, he shared that "he had been walking on the beach every morning and shooting hoops in the afternoon." Sigh.
One of the things that I have missed most since moving to Texas is blue water, but it is about so much more than color. When you are in the midst of the colossal, you defer to it. My deference lies squarely in great respect for the power of the ocean, giant sequoias, and empathy.
Think about your conversations. How do the most meaningful ones leave you feeling?
For me, a thought-provoking, honest exchange is the one that resonates the most. Do I like what everyone has to say? No. Still, empathy is not about agreeing with one another; instead, it is about knowing where someone is coming from.
We illuminate empathy through expression. To me, expression is on display when we:
Always talk it out and drop anchor in every conversation.
Being mindfully present and engaging in hard conversations is a choice that can be challenging.
Still, simple acts of humanity, such as saying hello, smiling, and acknowledging someone by name, creates a connection that fosters greater compassion and less hate.
Until we meet again, dwell in benevolence. ❤️
Yours in Solidarity, -akm
June 2023