Austin, TX | ©️ 2023 Alicia Kae Miller
I was overjoyed when I learned my family would visit Austin over the holidays this year.
As I began preparations, I kept my enthusiasm dialed down to mere suggestions, recalling two years prior when I made firm plans that went down like a lead balloon.
Has this ever happened to you too?
You know what they say about best-laid plans. Generally, the intention is heartfelt, but without consulting a conversation partner (in my case, my loved ones), we are flying blind and often setting ourselves up for significant disappointment or, worse, a blowout.
Phew. A hard lesson learned.
Not wanting a repeat of the 2021 holiday season, as my loved ones' arrival date approached and my Austin must-see list grew, I sketched plans out in pencil this year rather than ink.
From my perch, the issue with an assumption is that we need thoughtful conversation to obtain perspectives beyond our purview. Having a viewpoint is essential when making decisions for ourselves, but when we involve others, it serves us well to shine a light on darkened corners through dialogue.
When we see beyond ourselves and put empathy into action through curiosity, vulnerability, compassion, and selflessness, like I did this holiday season, we signal to someone else that we see, hear, and understand them. While we may disagree with them, we know where they come from.
It is often awe-inspiring when someone gets us because they have taken the time to listen to learn.
You likely experience the power of empathy every day, be it at your favorite coffee shop, dry cleaner, work, or home. Take time today to notice how a presence of empathy compels you to keep returning while an absence urges you to move on.
Until we meet again, start anew. ❤️
Yours in Solidarity, -akm
January 2024