Austin, TX | ©️ 2024 Alicia Kae Miller
As a self-professed selenophile, I took in the glow of January's Wolf Moon as the light cast shadows on the ground beneath my feet.
After getting lost in the moment's beauty, I attempted to take in a different view, but the luminous moon disappeared behind passing clouds, and suddenly, the asphalt went dark again. And then part of me faded, too.
Like me, do you sometimes wish to stay somewhere longer or want a particular moment not to end?
I feel this way with people who accept me for who I am—an empathy-safe space where I am loved and challenged but never judged or ridiculed.
Like the critical support of the moon's gravity on Mother Earth, empathy's ascent is dependent on the presence of dignity.
When we step prominently out of the shadows of apathy and into the light of empathy, we demonstrate a willingness to listen to learn rather than respond.
Until we meet again, let your guiding light be one of greater compassion and less hate. ❤️
Yours in Solidarity, -akm
February 2024