Forward Thinking
Austin, TX | 2021 © Alicia Kae Miller
Austin was hit with a cold snap this past Sunday.
As the winds whipped up and ushered in a blanket of cold dampening our balmy weather, I thought about how the howl of wind makes me want to cozy up and hunker down.
Hmph. A fitting end to an otherwise blissful season of light.
For context, Chez Alicia, aka my home, has been the epicenter of holiday cookie baking, movie nights, and focused family time.
My staycation with loved ones has been refreshing since, like most everyone I know, the last couple of years have been painfully stifling at times. So while the abundance of “me-time” is welcome, I am the first to admit that there is nothing better than being in the loving presence of trusted family and friends, which is why my heart hurts even more as my remaining house guest packs her suitcase and readies to return home.
Part of me wishes I could magically shrink myself to fit into her overcoat pocket.
But, since, as far as I know, we do not yet have this type of technology, my next thought is far more critical with a focus on you, me, and the whole of humanity and how I wish that 2-0-2-2 is the year we collectively put empathy into action through curiosity, vulnerability, compassion, and selflessness.
Soooooo, it's time to get closer. Are you ready?
Until we meet again, find meaning in the message of the wind. ❤️
Yours in Solidarity, -akm
P.S. This inquiring mind wants to know your 2022 grand plans. Please write back to me and share your vision for the year ahead.
January 2022