The Call
France | 2014 © Alicia Kae Miller
Do you know that feeling when you meet someone and walk away from the conversation knowing that your paths crossed not by chance, but instead, by fate?
Last week, fate intervened and blessed me with one such occasion.
Despite coming from vastly different backgrounds, as L. and I worked aside one another, our dialogue moved from pleasantries to the heart of why we chose to suffer the cold, comfortable place we found ourselves within.
On day two of our work together, my new friend shared that he was here due to a resounding "desire to turn his life around." As he expanded on this desire, the words "epiphany" spilled out and caught me by surprise.
As you may know, I, too, received a call in late February that has since changed the course of my life to one that allows me to live fully in the moment as my authentic self.
Therein lies our connection, a mutual 2020 epiphany.
If we had left our interactions to surface dialogue, we never would have gotten to the center of why we were both in this place = to physically, emotionally, and spiritually see beyond ourselves.
Albert Einstein discerned
insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Had L. and I continued to do what we had previously done, our paths may have crossed, but the likelihood of a more profound connection remained remote.
Ultimately, we want to lead a more fulfilling life; to be recognized beyond the good, bad, and ugly of our past. Instead, who we are at our core as human beings.
We are on different routes of the same path.
This recognition comes with the acknowledgment that life can be challenging and will invariably buck you off. If life (or a horse) has not bucked you off, grit your teeth now because you are in for a lot of pain.
From personal experience, the tumble is somewhat less painful when you let up on the reins. AKM truth-tell = my biggest mistakes are made when I go against my "knowing," aka sixth sense.
Take in the long horizontal view.
Always at our ready, intuition is our own internal compass. If you are looking to learn more, let a horse be your guide. According to Florida-based Tao of Horsemanship,
horses don't question how they feel about a situation because they are designed to listen and trust their instincts and intuition.
You heard it straight from the horse's mouth, be open and ready to answer the call.
Until we meet again, ease into the saddle, and enjoy the glorious view. ❤️
Yours in Solidarity, -akm
December 23, 2020