Little Things
Austin, TX | 2022 ©️ Alicia Kae Miller
As of late, we have had unusual sweater weather in Austin.
Generally, I get my snuggly on in the December-February time frame, but that fall feeling came relatively early this year. As a result, by mid-November, I was pulling out my assortment of turtlenecks and wool berets that generally stay tucked away for at least another month.
Along with this early cozy is a stunning fall leaf display that makes me nostalgic for bicycle rides with J. down "the pretty street" in our childhood neighborhood.
How illuminating seemingly inconsequential experiences can be.
For instance…
◇ the breathtaking beauty of the Colorado River flanked by bright yellow, red, and rust-colored leaves.
◇ a conversation with someone you did not think you could ever have anything in common with that turns out to be one of the most meaningful connections of your life.
◇ the healing power of hope.
For context, J. and I called W. Inglewood Avenue the "pretty street" because, just like the City of Austin right now, when the leaves started to change, from our perspective, it was magical. My dear ones, what does enchantment look like for you?
Until we meet again, I hope you find solace in stillness. ❤️
Yours in Solidarity, -akm
December 2022